MFF India at the Osian Cinefan Flim Festival!

Mangrove Film - Guardians of the Coast screened at the Osian Film Festival in India

Location: New Delhi, India. 7th Aug 2012

The mangrove film 'Guardians of the Coast' was screened for the public at the 12th Osian Cinefan film festival and highlited the environmental concerns that these ecosystems face

The mangrove film 'Guardians of the Coast' was one of the five films on environment that was screened for the public at the 12th Osian Cinefan film festival of Indian, Asian and Arab cinema that recently concluded at the Siri Fort Auditorium in New Delhi. The film screened on 2 August 2012 and highlights the environmental concerns that these tidal forests face. It documents the efforts made by the Governmnet of India and local communities, with support from National and International agencies, in restoring and managing these ecosystems. Over 180 films from 35 countries were shown at the festival. The movie was produced by MFF in partnership with Riverbank Studios and directed by Green Oscar awardee Mr Mike Pandey.

This film has also been shortlisted at the Ladahk Film festival and was awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

Mangroves: Guardians of the Coast

Mangroves: Guardians of the Coast, India © Pradeep Vyas

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Mangroves - Guardians of the Coast

Mangroves - Guardians of the Coast, India © MFF India

Mangroves are among the oldest and most productive wetland forests on our planet. Found in the intertidal zone, they are uniquely adapted to survive highly saline and anoxic conditions. They are ideal habitats for many terrestrial and marine species, carbon sinks and natural barriers against storm surges and coastal erosion. Mangroves provide invaluable services but have been declining worldwide as a result of anthropogenic and other threats. Guardians of our Coast showcases the fascinating web of life that surrounds these tidal forests. The movie highlights the unique collaboration between governments, regional and local institutions, NGOs and local communities, in efforts to save these vulnerable ecosystems and restore them to their former glory. India has been a part of the Mangrove for the Future (MFF) regional initiative since 2006. Our programme is guided by the National Strategy and Action Plan with primary focus on research, livelihood security, learnings for policy interventions and knowledge dissemination. MFF India actively works with the private sector in environmentally sustainable business practices and coastal area development. In addition to continuing our work at a national level, MFF India will play a vital role in future studies/initiatives that develop our capacity to manage coastal ecosystems from a regional approach.