ICM Course - Week 3


8:00-11:45 AM

(Break: 9:45-10:15 AM)


1:30-4:45 PM

(Break: 3:00-3:15 PM)



04 (Mon)

Coastal Ecosystems and Community Resilience

-        Dr. Steen Christensen (MFF)


Session objective: At the end of the session, the students can explain the relationship between coastal ecosystems and human well-being, and how communities recover after a disturbance.


Ecosystem-based Approaches and the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries

– Dr. Rudi Hermes/ Dr. Chris O’Brien (BOBLME)


Session objective: At the end of the session, the students should be able to explain the ecosystem-based approaches and how fisheries management is related to ICM.



Integrated Policy Making and Management Frameworks and
the ICM Process
- Dr. Gallardo (AIT)


Session objective: At the end of the session, the students can explain the elements of policy making and management framework and how these are integrated, and can explain the ICM process.


05 (Tue)


Course evaluation



06 (Wed)




Return to ICM weekly overview


Course 3: Tools for Integrated Coastal Management

Course Coordinator: Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage


8:00-11:45 AM

(Break: 9:45-10:15 AM)


1:30-4:45 PM

(Break: 3:00-3:15 PM)



07 (Thu)

Course Introduction

– Dr. A. Yakupitiyage (AIT)


Applications of DPSIR Model in ICM (Driving forces; State; Pressures and responses) + overview of tools to make appropriate responses

– Dr. A. Yakupitiyage (AIT)


Session objective: Students get familiar with both the theoretical basis of DPSIR model and use of the model to identify/ select appropriate management tools


Socioeconomic assessment tools (1.5 hours)

– Dr. Lionel Dabbadie (AIT/CIRAD)/ Dr. Mokbul (AIT)  ???


Session objective: Students learn the basic tools of assessing the socioeconomic condition which will be an important input in coastal planning and management



Gender equality and gender analysis tools (1.5 hours)

-        Ms. Jana Esteban & Ms. Maeve Nightingale


Session objective: Students get familiar with gender analysis tools and applications in coastal management projects


08 (Fri)

Institutional analysis and development (IAD) framework  (2 hours)


– Dr. Lionel Dabbadie (AIT/CIRAD)


Session objective: Get familiar with Institutional Analysis and Development framework, especially on physical world (community, rules), action arena (actors, situation), pattern of interactions, outcomes and institutional evaluation criteria.




Private sector engagement in coastal management (1.5 hours)

-        Ms. Leena Wokeck (AIT CSR-Asia)


Session objective: Students learn the role of the private sector in coastal management.


Vulnerability and adaptive capacity assessment tools

– Mr. Jonathan Shott (Sustainable Development Foundation. SDF)



Session objective: Students learn how to use the Capacity and Vulnerability Assessment (CVA) tool





09 (Sat)


10 (Sun)



Return to ICM weekly overview