Valuation of Mangroves in PQA Indus Delta: An Econometric Approach

Mangrove Values

Mangrove Values, Karachi © MFF/IoBM


  • Economic values of Mangrove ecosystem in Phitti Creek PQA area determined, disseminated and Advocated at National level.



Mangroves in the Indus Deltaic area provide immense benefits, products and unrecognized regulatory services. Products of Direct Economic Value: Fish, Minerals and food. There are Products of Natural System (intangible) supplies of rich nutrients to support productivity. Coastal communities benefits in a multitude of ways from Mangrove ecosystems. Collectively, these benefits are known as ecosystem services. Ecosystem services are regularly involved in the provisioning of food and services and the decomposition of organic wastes. Degradation of mangrove would destabilize the economic potential and the livelihood of communities’ which include services and benefits offered by the mangrove ecosystem of the Indus deltaic area.

The overall objective is economic valuation of Mangrove in PQA creeks by documenting mangrove density, diversity of mangrove plantation in the creek ecosystem. Evaluate overall Mangrove potential in the selected creek using an econometrics model and sensitize policy makers to integrate the Mangroves ecosystem values into the National/Provincial Planning process.

Target beneficiaries

The project outcomes will help create awareness about the significance of mangrove ecosystem amongst 20 decision-makers, Policy Planners, and 50 personnel’s from Government research organizations, prospective investors, importers and exporters, coastal communities, NGO’s, Community Based Organizations (CBO’s), General public, Port Authorities, Corporations, academia etc.


  • Mangrove Valuation studies designed and conducted in Port Qasim Area to identify and highlight the significance of mangrove economic values.
  • Seminars organized for Advocacy on mangrove values at National Level.
  • Publish one/two Scientific Papers in journals of National repute.

Accomplishments and challenges

  • A report on Economic Valuation Report of Mangrove Ecosystem in Port Qasim Area of Karachi has been prepared. The total values of mangrove products and service for study area were estimated at USD 1,363 /ha/year.
  • A paper titled Mangrove Ecosystem Services: Indus Delta (PQA), Sindh has been accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH 2016) Suzhou, China April 13-15, 2016.

Contributions to cross-cutting themes

Major perturbation (climatic change/sea level rise/surface temperature variability) and change to the ecological balance of established communities due to ecological ineptitude would destabilize species diversity, which would reduce its efficiency in the flow of energy within the mangrove ecosystem.

Sensitizing the Mangrove ecosystem would encourage coastal communities both genders, and policy makers to integrate the mangrove into the planning process. 


Lessons Learned

  • Using the ecosystem management approach, the Government of Sindh Forest Department/PQA/SEPA/CDA should prepare a mangrove management plan by integrating traditional ecological knowledge with conventional scientific information.
  • At the planning level, multi-disciplinary teams of experts / planners should be tapped to properly integrate all ecological / environmental and socio-economic components of alternative schemes for mangrove development.
  • Institutional strengthening and capacity building of relevant government, NGOs and local communities of the coastal areas is needed.
  • Creation of coastal and marine protected areas to conserve rare and endangered species of plants and animals.

Project Facts



Coastal areas of Sindh, Pakistan



25th Dec 2014 to 25th Dec 2015

MFF Grant Amount

PKR 1,650,750

Co-financing Partner



Implementing Partner

Mr. Talib S. Karim

Rector & Executive Director, EMEC

Institute of Business Management

Korangi Creek, Karachi - 75190, Pakistan

Tel.: 00-92-21-111002004 x- 269

Fax:  021-9221-35090968

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