Inclusive and Integrated Coastal Resource Management for Future (IICRMF) in Tuol Torteung commune, Preah Sihanouk Province

Community Fisheries Committee on patrol inside the CFI domain

Community Fisheries Committee on patrol inside the CFI domai ... © Champou Khmao Committee


  1. To strengthen the collaboration with relevant stakeholders to mitigate and combat the destructive fishing activities, illegal mangrove forest logging, coastal land encroachment and dissemination of fisheries and environment laws.
  2. To build community fisheries capacities for participatory coastal resource management in order for them to effectively design, implement and monitor the community fisheries management initiatives in the commune.
  3. To establish and demarcate the mangrove conservation areas and the blood cockles nursery zone


According to FAO-RFLP (2010), one of the key problem areas in the coastal zone that need attention is the fish catch have been dramatically declined and low income from fishing. Not different from FAO-RFLP (2010), ToulTortuengfaces the same problems. This commune is one of the commune locates in Prey Nop district of Preah Sihanouk province where the biodiversity and the socio-ecological balance in the area have been threatened.

The problem in this commune causes by (i) destructive fishing practices and mangrove logging for charcoal production and mangrove land encroachment, and the limitation of the community capacity to control and manage those resources in sustainable way while everyone already aware that ecological point of view, the mangrove is the important coastal resources for the local population as they highly depend on this resource for their livelihood; (ii) the lack of mechanisms and capacity for co-management of the fisheries between the fishers and government authorities representing the lack of human and financial resources; and (iii) the increase of population and their demands for household consumption as well as the poverty status.

Thus, a participatory community development project has been designed among the community fisheries of ToulToteung commune, commune councils and Fisheries Administration Cantonment of Preah Sihanouk province in order to collaboratively reduce and mitigate the activities that harm to the destruction of mangrove ecosystem in the commune of ToulToteung and later improve the livelihoods of the commune population.

Target beneficiaries

The project benefited to 4,342 persons population equal to 824 families (Women headed household 44.42%) who are living in this commune and another 1200 families of the neighboring communes especially in term of fish catch and capacity development in different knowledge relates to coastal resources and ecosystem.


  1. Two consultative meetings conducted with community fisheries committee, fishers, local authorities and uniform officers in order to report and inform each other the problems that the community fisheries faced and request for prompt supports to address those problems and to set up the plan for joint patrolling.
  2. Necessary equipment and materials purchased in order to support the patrolling activities.
  3. Internal regulations reviewed and revised for community fisheries
  4. New blood cockle conservation area identified and demarcated

Accomplishments and challenges

  1. 17 people (4 women) to discuss implementation of the project activities together especially patrolling activities and mangrove and blooded cockle conservation and start planting mangrove forest in the areas of 5 hectares.
  2. 4 Walkie-talkies, 15 raincoats, 2 big tents, and 15 life jackets being used by patrolling team;
  3. 10 ha agreed for cockle conservation area demarcated!
  4. Local regulations revised, pending approval from Fisheries Administration;
  5. Two trainings to 15 committee members (04 women) on the topic of leadership in community

Contributions to cross-cutting themes

The project has engaged some stakeholders especially women in mangrove planting and community fisheries monthly meetings to raise any concerns over the livelihoods-related issues. 

Lessons Learned

The community fisheries should focus on mangrove replanting in the identified degraded areas for restoration rather than on new sites where mangrove trees were not previously present.

Project signboards showing the clear boundary of the new conservation area are so important to prevent illegal activities;

High participation and commitment from different stakeholders (local people, Fisheries Administration, commune councils, uniform officers etc.) was the major contribution to the achievement of this project expected results.

In order to guarantee the full participation from relevant stakeholders, all levels of community should be engaged since the beginning of the project in some project activities and capacity building. 

Project Facts



Tuol Torteung Commune, Prey Nub district, Preah Sihanouk province.



1st Jul 2016 to 31st Aug 2017

Co-financing Partner


Co-finance: 10,000,000 KHR / 2,500 USD

Implementing Partner


Mr. Chap Sopanha, Country Coordinator of Paz Y Desarrollo in Cambodia


Phone: 012 630 602

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